This is the fallacy that the truth always lies between two extremes. The danger here is that, sometimes the truth is the middle ground, … but sometimes it is not. For example, some relationships are totally toxic and unhappy, and others are all sweetness and love – so the best relationship should be kind of halfway, not toxic, but not ‘perfect’.
Is that true or not? Really, there are no “all sweetness and light” relationships. Some are very good and some are very bad, but that doesn’t mean that the best relationships should be midway between good and bad. Hopefully, people should be aiming for good ones, the truth isn’t in the middle ground.
Another example is, some people say you should be all chill and relaxed and not too pushy as a dating strategy, just enjoy life, have hobbies, let it happen if it happens and if it does, play it cool and take it easy.
But other advice could be to take the bull by the horns, be direct, go, actively look for people, approach them and be forward.
Therefore, the truth is somewhere in-between these two. But of course, it isn’t… necessarily. It could be, but often it depends on many, many variables.
One last example, you can be completely unfit, eat badly, never work out and have no physique, or you can be a gym rat, being completely ripped like Mr. Universe, eating protein all day and making fitness your life.
So it could be argued here that the truth is in the middle ground, although it’s not definite. With things like diet etc. then actually, the truth is indeed in the middle ground, but as soon as you say it ALWAYS is in the middle ground, then the middle ground becomes a fallacy.