- 1 – Understanding our human experience, Forever Alone or not!
- 3 – GENERALISATIONS AND SPECIFICS (How to not be a bigot)
- 4 – Non-distributed Middle Term
- 5 – Inductive and deductive arguments
- 6 – Some sources of making illogical arguments
- 6 – Some sources of making illogical arguments
- 7 – Symbolic logic and the main fallacies
- A Detailed Look at Ad Hominem
- A Second Example of Applied Logic and CBT concerning Shyness
- About Me – My Forever (not) Alone Journey
- Adult Virgins and FA – Towards Positive Identity
- Adult Virgins, Porn and Sex Addiction
- Affirming a Disjunct
- Affirming the Consequent
- All or Nothing Thinking
- Ambiguity Fallacy
- An Esoteric Theory of CBT for Forever Alone
- An Example of Applied Logic to a Forever Alone Forum Post
- Anecdotal Fallacies
- Appeal to Accomplishment
- Appeal to Authority
- Appeal to Consequences
- Appeal to Emotion
- Appeal to Ignorance
- Appeal to Nature
- Appeal to Novelty
- Appeal to the Stone
- Appeal to Tradition
- Articles
- Association Fallacy
- bc
- Bulverism
- Burden of Proof
- CBT Worksheets
- Circumstantial Ad Honimen
- Cognitive Distortions Linked to the Logical Fallacies
- Composition Fallacy
- Continuum Fallacy
- Courtiers Reply
- Definist Fallacy
- Denying the Antecedent
- Different Types of CBT
- Disqualifying the Positive
- Ecological Fallacy
- Emotional Reasoning
- Equivocation
- Ethics and morality
- Etymological Fallacy
- Eye for an Eye
- Fallacy Fallacy
- Fallacy of a Single Cause
- False Cause
- False Dilemma
- False Equivalence
- Faulty Analog
- Folk ‘Wisdom’
- Generalisation
- Generalisation – conclusions based on insufficient evidence
- Genetic fallacy
- Historians Fallacy
- Home
- Homearchive
- I’m Entitled to My Opinion
- Identity
- Incomplete Comparison
- Index – Logic and Forever Alone
- Inflation of Conflict
- Introduction – The Absurdity of Forever Alone
- Introduction to Forumulatint a Sane Life Statement
- Is it Wrong to See a Sex Worker?
- Journaling and Creating a Thought Log
- Jumping To Conclusions
- Labeling and Mislabeling
- Limerence, Forever Alone and Romantic Obsession
- Living and dying
- Loaded questions
- Loaded questions
- Love and connection
- Ludic Fallacy
- Magnification and Minimisation
- Mental Filter
- Middle Ground Fallacy
- Missing the Point
- Mission
- Moralistic Fallacy
- My Personal Experience and Thoughts of the Healing Process
- Nirvanah Fallacy
- No True Scotsman
- Overview – Philosophy, Logic and Forever Alone
- Personal Incredulity
- Politics
- Proof by Assertion
- Psychologists’ Fallacy
- Quoting Out of Context
- Red herring – changing the subject – irrelevant information
- Reification Fallacy
- Retrospective Determinism
- Sections of the Life Statement
- Sex Workers for Shy People
- SexWorkersforShyPeople
- Shining the Light of Logic (Sanity) onto the Mind’s Contents
- Should Statements
- Slippery Slope
- Special Pleading
- Spirituality
- Straw Man Argument
- Sunk Cost Fallacy
- Support
- Suppressed Correlative
- Texas Sharp Shooter
- The Manipulated Man 1 – What is Man? Commentary on Esther Vilar
- The Manipulated Man INDEX by Esther Vilar (1971)
- To Quoque – disregarding advice because of the giver
- Tone Policing
- Understanding Soundness
- Vacuous Truth
- Work and Taxes