Folk ‘Wisdom’

Thought Termination, some traditional saying closes down an argument

I’ve heard this is really a common thing with the Chinese Communist Party, so it must be pretty bad. I read, a large part of their propaganda is based on repeating traditional sayings (rather than letting people air grievances). The saying I remember was in response to building too many skyscrapers and ruining the skyline of some city, and the official response was a traditional sayings about clusters of trees being stronger in the wind.

This fallacy is when a traditional saying is parroted, rather than sensible reasoning to justify a position. So perhaps someone is asking the question of how they should treat a woman on a date, should they be traditional and pay for everything, or modern and equal, and the reply is, “nice guys finish last”. So with these oft-used sayings, because they are well-known kind of mantras, they shut down reasoning or a conversation as they are not based on reasoning, or thinking or discourse but on parroting.

Proverbs my ass

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