This means to dismiss an argument from someone (or internally from oneself) because of having no relevant accomplishment. So in a forever alone community, any advice could be discounted (if it was positive rather than black pill) because, but you’re Forever Alone, so what would you know”.
Internally, it can manifest as not trusting your own thinking on a subject. You could come up with some idea or strategy about finding someone, or accepting not having someone, but then dismiss your own ideas by saying ‘but what do I know, I have no experience in this whatsoever. ” Of course, the best counter to this BS is LOGIC, what you know is logic, which is an absolute available to all of us. You can be a fifty year old virgin and come up with an argument about dating, something you have no experience in, and it can be deep and insightful and CORRECT because you can apply the laws of logic to is. IS IT CRAZY OR NOT? Are there and minor or major fallacies. Do the conclusions match the premises. Can you defend it in a reasonable argument (if you wanted to). THEN YOU’VE NAILED IT BABY.