Continuum Fallacy


This fallacy relies on the belief that there is no clear distinction between where one category ends and another begins, when the truth is that sometimes there is and sometimes there isn’t. For example, if a clean-shaven man starts to grow a beard, on day one of not shaving there is only stubble, and on day two, there is pronounced stubble. At what point does it become a beard? Here, there is no set category, it depends on who you’re asking.

To give an example in context, someone Forever Alone could be crucifying themselves for never having had a relationship, although they’ve dated, the ‘non-relationships’ didn’t last very long… but what is the criteria? If you say a relationship is ‘a year or longer’, then there are many people who don’t consider themselves Forever Alone who would actually be Forever Alone according to that criteria.

Another example I’ve seen more than once is Adult Virgins concerned about their status, and they have some kind of experience, a sexual experience, which perhaps doesn’t involve full penetration, or perhaps it does but they don’t climax for whatever reason, and so are they still in the virgin category? There are so many different ways to look at this and so these discussions go on and on and because there is no clear answers but many ways to consider it, then the logical way to consider it would be the way that brings peace — but people tend to be pretty illogical in these communities sometimes!




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