Appeal to Emotion

Appeal to emotion… appeals to emotion, rather than logic or reason, to further an illogical argument. There are two instances that come to mind with socially isolated communities. One would be the red-pill hateful arguments of some incels, “Think what ‘they’ have done to us or taken from us, that we are entitled to”. It relies on whipping up anger. I can see how it is achieved. Freud said that anger was depression turned outwards, or the other way around, I’m not sure. Really it would refer to the black pill and the red pill. Most communities I see online are more “black pill”, i.e. they’re depressive and accepting about their social isolation in a fatalistic way, that there is nothing to do but accept it. And then there is the other side, the red-pill, who are in the same situation but angry about it.

I don’t visit those communities. It’s not that I wouldn’t. I was in the same boat as everyone else for much of my lifetime, and I found the answer, turned things around and want to help people. In a way, it is all the same community, but making sense of things and coping in different ways. The energy can be turned inwards to depression or outwards to anger. I don’t visit these sites as I think the various social media providers bury them, and also most depressive black-pill communities (which don’t actually call themselves that) want to disassociate with people who condone violence (which I also want to disassociate from).

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