From Forever Alone to Sex Positive!
Practical techniques and self-help to heal past trauma, body shame and the media brainwashing that keep victims sexually and emotionally isolated.
Alternative solutions to an impossible dating scene with the odds stacked against you. New sexual and emotional connections start here.
Have sex and transcend sex! The techniques are more than seduction, but also a way of life towards a greater awakening.
YOU CAN Become Sex Positive
My journey started five years ago, taking me from being a near virgin at middle-age, to a body-count WELL into triple digits (aka sex addict) to a healed, rounded (I hope) sexually active (and at peace) human being.
What happened? I met an amazing person whom taught me techniques of healing, thinking, feeling and ultimately creating the situations (and reality) I wanted. What I wanted was sex and connection, when I was able to effortlessly obtain it, I was forever freed of this huge hole that had guided my identity and life. Now, I am inspired to share that journey with people trapped where I once was.
YOU CAN Become Sex Positive
Logic for Lonely People (working title!)
A complete FREE course to heal the causes of isolation and use the tools of logic to devise a new, transformed relationship status for YOU!
This is the complete text, but currently in draft form. 100% free. Finished version will be formatted and illustrated with pictures of various ladyfriends, plus a downloadable audio and course. Please join the mailing list below. Meantime, read the full sized draft version here
New donation option via to support the mission, of empowering society's most forgotten population with the tools to think critically, be sexually successful, free and ultimately transcendent.
Articles available on this website
Knowledge is Power
- 1 – Understanding our human experience, Forever Alone or not!
- 3 – GENERALISATIONS AND SPECIFICS (How to not be a bigot)
- 4 – Non-distributed Middle Term
- 5 – Inductive and deductive arguments
- 6 – Some sources of making illogical arguments
- 6 – Some sources of making illogical arguments
- 7 – Symbolic logic and the main fallacies
- A Detailed Look at Ad Hominem
- A Second Example of Applied Logic and CBT concerning Shyness
- About Me – My Forever (not) Alone Journey
- Adult Virgins and FA – Towards Positive Identity
- Adult Virgins, Porn and Sex Addiction
- Affirming a Disjunct
- Affirming the Consequent
- All or Nothing Thinking
- Ambiguity Fallacy
- An Esoteric Theory of CBT for Forever Alone
- An Example of Applied Logic to a Forever Alone Forum Post
- Anecdotal Fallacies
- Appeal to Accomplishment
- Appeal to Authority
- Appeal to Consequences
- Appeal to Emotion
- Appeal to Ignorance
- Appeal to Nature
- Appeal to Novelty
- Appeal to the Stone
- Appeal to Tradition
- Articles
- Association Fallacy
- bc
- Bulverism
- Burden of Proof
- CBT Worksheets
- Circumstantial Ad Honimen
- Cognitive Distortions Linked to the Logical Fallacies
- Composition Fallacy
- Continuum Fallacy
- Courtiers Reply
- Definist Fallacy
- Denying the Antecedent
- Different Types of CBT
- Disqualifying the Positive
- Ecological Fallacy
- Emotional Reasoning
- Equivocation
- Ethics and morality
- Etymological Fallacy
- Eye for an Eye
- Fallacy Fallacy
- Fallacy of a Single Cause
- False Cause
- False Dilemma
- False Equivalence
- Faulty Analog
- Folk ‘Wisdom’
- Generalisation
- Generalisation – conclusions based on insufficient evidence
- Genetic fallacy
- Historians Fallacy
- Home
- Homearchive
- I’m Entitled to My Opinion
- Identity
- Incomplete Comparison
- Index – Logic and Forever Alone
- Inflation of Conflict
- Introduction – The Absurdity of Forever Alone
- Introduction to Forumulatint a Sane Life Statement
- Is it Wrong to See a Sex Worker?
- Journaling and Creating a Thought Log
- Jumping To Conclusions
- Labeling and Mislabeling
- Limerence, Forever Alone and Romantic Obsession
- Living and dying
- Loaded questions
- Loaded questions
- Love and connection
- Ludic Fallacy
- Magnification and Minimisation
- Mental Filter
- Middle Ground Fallacy
- Missing the Point
- Mission
- Moralistic Fallacy
- My Personal Experience and Thoughts of the Healing Process
- Nirvanah Fallacy
- No True Scotsman
- Overview – Philosophy, Logic and Forever Alone
- Personal Incredulity
- Politics
- Proof by Assertion
- Psychologists’ Fallacy
- Quoting Out of Context
- Red herring – changing the subject – irrelevant information
- Reification Fallacy
- Retrospective Determinism
- Sections of the Life Statement
- Sex Workers for Shy People
- SexWorkersforShyPeople
- Shining the Light of Logic (Sanity) onto the Mind’s Contents
- Should Statements
- Slippery Slope
- Special Pleading
- Spirituality
- Straw Man Argument
- Sunk Cost Fallacy
- Support
- Suppressed Correlative
- Texas Sharp Shooter
- The Manipulated Man 1 – What is Man? Commentary on Esther Vilar
- The Manipulated Man INDEX by Esther Vilar (1971)
- To Quoque – disregarding advice because of the giver
- Tone Policing
- Understanding Soundness
- Vacuous Truth
- Work and Taxes